Words from Clients

"From the moment we met with Lindsay (even over zoom!), my husband and I knew she was the right doula for us for our second birth. Lindsay has the most calming and confident demeanor. During my first pregnancy, I dreamed a lot about what it would be like to go into labor and what comfort measures I would like, but this pregnancy was harder for me to get into that mindset after the first resulted in a c-section. Lindsay really helped to get me excited again about the anticipation and miracle of labor and delivery! For this pregnancy I really wanted to have a VBAC and Lindsay was so supportive and encouraging of that decision — she provided us with a TON of good resources.

Additionally, Lindsay went above and beyond to make sure my husband was supported and taken care of throughout the whole process. Having Lindsay there through labor and birth (36+ sleepless hours) allowed him breaks so he could be present and strong when it mattered most. Not only was it so important and helpful to have Lindsay as our doula before and during the birth of our son, but during the post-partum months Lindsay checked in on us and offered really good guidance with nursing pains and problems I was experiencing. Overall we loved inviting Lindsay into our birth and without hesitation we tell people that having a doula is an investment and decision no one will regret!" — Laura B.

“Lindsay was a great blessing to my husband and me leading up to, during, and following the birth of our first baby. From the moment we first called her when my water broke on my labor day, she coached us through those early contractions until she arrived later in the day when things progressed. She was well equipped with ideas for helping labor progress, body mechanics and positions, mental relaxation and focus techniques, and helping me keep hydrated and fed for the road ahead. I never felt rushed or pushed into anything, and Lindsay walked with me steadily as my body naturally did what it was created to do. She was a great support to my husband, helping him to know how to best help me during the laboring process as well. Lindsay encouraged me and helped me feel at peace by reading scripture passages and praying with me and for me, and my baby, as labor took a turn and Baby's heart rate dropped. This was so meaningful to me and I know that not just anyone could have played that role for me.

I'm so grateful God used her during this time. We ended up transferring to the hospital via ambulance from a planned home birth and because of restrictions, Lindsay was not able to transfer with us. However her work did not end there; she cleaned up our home and took care of our beloved dog Archie into the wee hours of the morning. While at the hospital my husband continued to provide the same support and comfort measures that Lindsay had shown him at home. She also corresponded with our midwife (who went with us to the hospital), sharing our preferences in case of a hospital transfer, and brought some of our things to the hospital when she came to pick up the midwife. In the days after we arrived home with our new baby boy Eddie, I was running off adrenaline and found myself unable to sleep as anxiety took over my body. Lindsay encouraged me to try different things to help my body rest, and even corresponded with my husband to help him support me during this time as well. Lindsay's support was so valuable during the whole process, and I can't imagine spending the first hours of labor without her, wondering what to do, just waiting anxiously for IT to happen. Her soothing and kind demeanor was a welcomed presence at all times. Just as importantly, it meant so much to me how kind she was to our first baby [dog] Archie. It was a comfort to know he was in good hands when we were rushed off to the hospital. Thank you, Lindsay!” — Anna W.

As a first time mom with a pregnancy that came sooner than planned, I had a lot of questions and fear about going through labor for the first time, which is why I wanted a doula. I knew right away after our meeting that I wanted to work with Lindsay. She has a very calming yet confident presence about her. I really appreciated that she is a woman of faith, has gone through labor herself and has a lot of experience. She is well organized and has a good plan for how to help laboring moms cope. I found comfort in her structure and I found that not every doula had a plan like that, so that was an instant win for Lindsay in my book.

Once we hired Lindsay, she began supporting us right away. We talked/texted several times in addition to our prenatal meetings. When labor finally started, I ended up having prodromal labor for four days. Lindsay texted and talked with me the whole time, giving me positive affirmation, emotional support, good advice for activities to do and when to think about calling my midwife, etc.

This was so helpful because I didn't know what was normal or what to do! She spent 30+ hours with us and I really felt like she was in this labor with me helping with every contraction, and encouraging me the whole time. My husband loved working with her so she could give him breaks and help us know when to eat, rest, etc.

One of the best parts of working with her is the narrative she writes of your birth story. Reading her narrative and looking through the photos she took of Levi's birth brings us so much joy in remembering that day. Lindsay has also provided great support postpartum for me. She is involved with La Leche League and is happy to provide info and resources about breastfeeding, sleeping, and general newborn life, which has been incredibly helpful in these early weeks! I would absolutely hire her all over again and have full confidence that you will love working with Lindsay! — Stef P.

My husband and I are so, so glad we chose Lindsay to help us welcome our sweet baby into the world! We can't recommend her highly enough. From the first meeting to postpartum follow-up, Lindsay was kind, organized and grounded. She provided valuable guidance and information throughout the process, and we appreciated the additional resources she offered us at every stage. We were especially grateful for her presence and expertise on the day of our birth. We felt confident and prepared going into the experience, and were able to make decisions that felt right for us as things unfolded. Lindsay was there for it all, from laboring with no medical intervention through my eventual cesarean birth.

My favorite part of working with Lindsay is how she helped us identify and honor what mattered most to us. She supported us in advocating for ourselves before and during birth, which was so empowering. Also, Lindsay's narrative of our birth is a gift our family will always treasure. We enthusiastically and wholeheartedly recommend Lindsay! — Aly and Brandon S.

Aaron Billberg Photo

Lindsay was an invaluable part of our prenatal, birth, and postpartum experience. She took the time to get to know our values and helped us articulate our birth wishes as first time parents. Her supportive and calm demeanor gave us confidence that we could have the low-intervention hospital birth that we desired. Lindsay was an attentive listener and great guide for finding the resources we needed for our pregnancy, birth, and parenting choices.

During labor and delivery, Lindsay was an incredible support to both of us. Lindsay's presence helped my husband provide effective verbal and physical support and allowed him to communicate with family throughout the labor process. For me, Lindsay was the additional support I needed to work through the physical challenge of labor with minimal medical intervention. Her encouragement and reassurance helped me to have my ideal birth experience. After our delivery, Lindsay provided us with a written record of our labor and delivery. This detailed narrative of our son's arrival is a story we will cherish in the years to come. If we ever have more children, we hope we will have Lindsay with us again. — Kate S.

I cannot imagine what our birth experience would have been without Lindsay. She was the intuitive, strong, and steadfast presence that we needed! As first time parents we had no idea what to expect during labor and birth, though as a mother I knew what experience I wanted for my son, and for me. I was able to achieve the birth I desired largely due to Lindsay's guidance during labor. She worked seamlessly with the nurses and midwives. My husband also benefited from Lindsay's coaching, as he wasn't always sure how to support me, and she was there to give suggestions. I treasure the photos she took for us and how she documented our birth story. She is incredibly professional, caring, and dedicated to her work as a doula and to her clients. I will absolutely contact her for future pregnancies and recommend her to my friends and family! — Hannah R.

From the first time we met Lindsay, my husband and I knew that we wanted her there on the day our daughter was born. At first we were unsure about hiring a doula, but after meeting Lindsay, we were convinced that having her strong, gentle, and soothing presence at the hospital was exactly what we needed for my anxiety and uneasiness about labor.

Before my daughter was born, I had to go into the hospital for an external cephalic version (ECV) to manually turn my breech baby. I'd heard that the procedure could be extremely painful, and I was terrified. Not only did Lindsay send us several recommendations and resources ahead of time to try to help the baby turn naturally, but the day of the ECV she came to the hospital with us, advocating for me with the nurses, holding my hand and encouraging me during the procedure, then massaging my feet to help me relax once it was done.

I was admitted to the hospital five days before my daughter was born, and while we went through the induction process, Lindsay once again stayed in close contact with us. We called and texted her several times each day to ask questions, ask her advice and ask her to help calm our fears as we worked with the hospital staff to keep the labor process as natural as possible. Lindsay made it clear that we were always her first priority, and she helped us feel confident about the decisions we were making. Once labor started and Lindsay arrived, I felt a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. She intrinsically knew what to do during every stage of labor to help with the pain. She empowered me to trust my instincts when requesting the comfort measures that were right for me, and for that I am eternally grateful.

Having Lindsay there to guide my husband and I through the labor process was one of the highlights of my daughter's birth. Lord willing, I will never have another baby without Lindsay by my side! — Karla L

Though my husband and I had prepared for labor and delivery with a childbirth class, I strongly believe having Lindsay at our son's birth was our biggest asset! She gave me confidence to pursue the birth experience I wanted, while also providing a calming and reassuring presence when unexpected complications presented themselves. I appreciated that she assisted me with different comfort measures during labor, which also allowed my husband to take breaks to recharge. She was always professional yet deeply personal, incredibly knowledgeable, and created a very comfortable atmosphere.

I appreciated the time she spent getting to know us at visits leading up to the birth and in the postpartum period. She dedicated herself to understanding our hopes and worries in order to support us as best she could. I always felt much more reassured after her visits!

We are very grateful for how she helped us navigate labor and delivery, and would highly recommend her to anyone! — Jess P.

I went into my pregnancy with my second daughter knowing that this time around I wanted the support of a doula. Lindsay was an excellent choice. I had done hypnobabies for my first birth and it had not gone well after being induced. I don't know if I said it out loud, but I wanted to have a "redemptive" experience. Lindsay could sense that and spend time going over my first labor and delivery and sharing how this time could be different.

She was thorough in asking me and my husband about our values and desires for birth and educated us about our options. There are so many out there! She gave us resourses- books, websites and community classes- so that we could decide for ourselves what we wanted without pressuring us to do it a certain way.

I did end up being induced a second time (my babies don't want to leave!) and Lindsay came to the hospital when we were ready for her. She came with her birth kit and bearing snacks. She offered suggestions and encouragement as we waited our baby’s arrival. When things got intense she was there to offer suggestions for positioning and pain management. She also discreetly took notes and was there to take pictures (we opted for that) when the big moment finally came.

After delivering, Lindsay was there to make sure our baby latched and then after getting settled into the recovery room, Lindsay said goodbye to give us family time. Lindsay is also a writer and wrote a beautiful, detailed birth story that will be treasured for years to come.

Even with Lindsay, my plan did not go off perfectly. I was induced and in the end had an epidural. Still, I can say that it was a "redemptive" experience and I look back at my labor time with peace and joy. I have Lindsay to thank for that and would ask her to support us again! — Christen H.

As a husband who was extremely clueless about the childbirth process, I was nervous about what birth would be like. When my wife and I found out we were expecting, I started to become anxious about the next nine months and the birth itself. Thankfully, my wife and I decided to have Lindsay come alongside us as our doula. Lindsay was a wealth of knowledge who answered my every question and gave me the resources I needed to make me feel like I could be a support to my wife during birth.

When it came time for our child to be born, Lindsay was comforting and reassuring, and I never felt overwhelmed or too anxious about what my wife was experiencing. She was a great advocate in helping us have the birth we both wanted. It was incredibly comforting to have Lindsay help us understand the positives and negatives about interventions (and ask our midwife the right questions about them), which was invaluable in helping us to make the best decisions during labor. After our experience, I would recommend that everyone have a doula present at their birth, and you couldn’t choose a better doula than Lindsay. — Jon V.

Hiring Lindsay was one of the best decisions we made during our pregnancy! She walked us through preparing for our birth, and provided us with great knowledge and expertise during pregnancy and postpartum. Her helping hand at the hospital was greatly needed and appreciated! We would definitely recommend Lindsay as a doula. –Mikaela D.

When I first met Lindsay, she was my college professor. Then, I began babysitting for her and she slowly introduced me to the world of cloth diapers, baby wearing, and natural birth. Her positivity about birthing was new and refreshing to me. She gave me literature to read and documentaries to watch that removed the fears of giving birth — I felt empowered about childbirth and, dare I say it, I looked forward to my own birth experience in the future.

When I found out I was expecting, I immediately knew I wanted to have Lindsay as my doula and I am so glad I did! Working with Lindsay was a wonderful experience. She was a great resource during the pregnancy and helped me research hospitals and providers in order to have the birth I wanted to have. I loved that she was available if I needed to talk or if I had any questions about anything pregnancy or newborn related.

For the birth itself, Lindsay was a calming presence. She remained by my side for the entire labor and was always ready with suggestions and methods for helping me manage through labor. After having my baby, she continued to check in with me, provide even more resources on newborn and postpartum care, and be a reassuring voice to this first time momma.

I felt so encouraged and empowered thanks to her. Lindsay is the reason I wanted to go down the natural birth route and I am so thankful that she completed the journey with me. –Emily V.

Lindsay was an incredible support throughout our entire pregnancy, labor, and delivery. She was a sounding board and calming presence amidst all of the unknown and all of the vast changes occurring in our lives. Furthermore, there is no question that Lindsay’s compassion, wisdom and faith are the foundation of everything she does and says. We greatly admire and appreciate her passion for helping pregnant and postpartum families, and we could not have been more blessed to have had her accompany us on this miraculous journey. –Vashti G.

Words can not describe how much I love Lindsay. She was the reason why our labor went the way it did. From the very beginning of my pregnancy, Lindsay was there alongside me to help and answer any questions or concerns I had about labor. She listened to me and made sure she was prepared to do what I needed of her during my labor. I was so taken care from our very first meeting, through the birth of our son, and beyond!

My labor was pretty short, about 24 hours from my first contraction to the birth, but very intense from the very beginning. Lindsay came to my house and helped keep me calm and relaxed through many hours of very hard contractions. She was quick to suggest new positions and things we could try to keep me comfortable. She spoke to me in a calm and confident voice. For my husband, she was an absolute life saver. They worked together very well to comfort me. Because Lindsay was with us, my husband was able to stay relaxed too. She guided him in ways to comfort me so he wouldn’t get overwhelmed wondering how to help me. Because she was with me, he was also able to do logistical things like pack the car, make phone calls, and get something to eat without me ever being alone. They were such a good team.

Lindsay continues to be a support for me as I’m now a new mommy. She was available after the birth to navigate through some feeding issues we were having in the first few days. She constantly cared for us in a friendly, positive and genuine way. I have such a love in my heart for Lindsay! She is a major reason why I have positive thoughts about my birth. My husband has said over and over that we’re planning to hire her again for all our future children. I can’t imagine giving birth without her! –Lani G.

After the traumatic birth of our first child, we knew we wanted to have a doula attend the recent birth of our daughter. Our meetings and discussions with Lindsay helped us create a flexible birth plan that gave us confidence and encouragement leading up to the birth. Lindsay’s presence gave us peace of mind that we could create a peaceful, empowering birth experience. We knew that she would be a knowledgeable advocate for us and watch out for our best interests. Her knowledge and care for both of us allowed us to be fully present. Despite a few complications, we were able to welcome our daughter into this world much in the way we had hoped. Having such a positive and empowering birth this time around affected not only the labor and birth, but helped set the tone for a calm, sweet postpartum period. This has been such a gift to our family. –Sara L.