Doula Package

What I Do as a Doula

Educate.I will provide you with information about our community’s birth resources for pregnancy, childbirth, and new parenthood. I can give recommendations about classes, websites, books, podcasts, and videos that fit your particular interests and specific values.

DSC00422Ask Questions. I help you articulate what you desire for your birth. I will help you discover what decisions are yours and open space for you to communicate your preferences to me and the rest of your birth team.

Advocate for you. I work for you. Your preferences are what I support. A key way I support you is by helping you be your own advocate.

Affirm, Remind, Touch. At your birth, I use whatever tools and methods you prefer (based on prenatal discussions and what works during labor) to provide comfort and assistance. This often takes the form of affirmation and encouragement, guided relaxation, guidance with comfort measures and movement, and effective touch (this could be counter-pressure, back stroking, light massage, etc.).

Ease the Transition. I stay after the birth for approximately two hours to help your new family with immediate needs, so you can focus on your baby.

Listen. I visit you in your home one to two weeks after your baby’s birth. I listen to how you perceive your birth experience and what your new life has been like since. I answer questions as able and refer you to other resources when necessary.


Doula Package

Slow Road Photography


Free Informational Meeting. This is when we see if we’re a good fit for one another. I prefer both parents to be present whenever possible. This 30-45 minutes meeting happens virtually.

Two Prenatal Visits. I come to your home for two meetings during your pregnancy, lasting about two hours each. We discuss your vision for your birth and how to best prepare for what’s ahead, in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We practice movements and various comfort measures and what you might encounter during your birthing time. I help you know your options and write a Birth Plan.

Kandi Poppler Photography

The Labor and Birth. I am with you continuously from active labor until about two hours after the birth, providing emotional, physical, and emotional support. I take birth notes and photos for you, if you desire.

Postpartum Meeting. I visit you at your home 5-14 days after the birth. We talk about the birth and how life has been since. I give you a narrative of your birth, which I write from the notes I take during your labor and birth.

Resources. I am available to you by phone and email until several weeks after your birth. I either answer your questions or find a resource for you that can. Also, my lending library of books and videos is available to you during your time as my client.

Complete fee is $1500, paid in two installments. If cost is a barrier, let’s talk about options.